Just wanted to make a quick post about our adventures this past weekend (5-4-24/5-5-24).
We jumped in the car early Saturday morning bound for Columbus, just a short 3.5 hour drive from our home. The Buckeye Game Fest was in full swing. This show ran from Thursday till Sunday and featured open gaming, vendors, prizes, demo play and much more for any game enthusiast.
Despite an extremely busy schedule, we decided a weekend away would be good for us as well as a good opportunity to demo and get a few more plays of our game. On Saturday we had 3 game sessions scheduled but were set up in a small conference room that did not get much foot traffic. We decided to pickup our game and relocate to the central gaming room where people we playing everything from games they brought to games they checked out from the in show library. We were quickly able to "encourage" a couple of players to come sit down and give The Blog Master a spin. The game went off without a hitch and the players seemed to really enjoy themselves. They even signed up for our newsletter and seemed anxious for its release.
On Sunday morning we had 2 more game sessions. Both sessions had one person sign up so we played as well it was great to really be able to interact with each of them during the game and get a lot of feedback and encouragement. Again, both players signed up for our email list and one was quick to call home to his wife and tell her all about this "great game he played that he knew she was going to love"! I think my favorite comment of the weekend was one of our players who jokingly said he "needed" this game so his wife would quit pushing him to go to Europe. When the game was over I asked if he thought it would help hold of his wife's need to travel and he replied "Hell no, this game will just be a shopping list making her want to go even more!!"
All in all it was a great time and we were able to meet a few more gamers and developers while still marketing for our release. If you don't currently go to these smaller game conventions, I highly recommend attending if only a way to network with other people who share your love for tabletop games.
Have a favorite show you go to or even one you are hoping to visit this year? Tell us all about it in the comments (maybe we will see you there)...